Thursday, October 29, 2009

Snow fun

We got our first big snow dump yesterday. Enough that even the government shut down so I was home too. We took Jonah out in the snow to make snow angels and go sledding with a little sled that one of our neighbors loaned us. Fun!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rebekah and Jonah's baby shower - January 2009

I received some photos from my baby shower from last January so we wanted to share some of those so you could enjoy a little blast from the past. And just to be clear - these are from LAST JANUARY when I was pregnant with Jonah. These are not from right now. :-)

The shower invitation theme was "Rebekah and Pat are Nesting". So Stacy went to a specialty baker in Denver and this is the awesome cake that they came up with. We decided that the marzipan baby on the cake looked like some version of Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button. I kept the baby in the refrigerator for a couple weeks because I couldn't throw it out but at the same time the thought of eating it was weird!

Ann and Stacy decorating a onesie for Jonah.

Adorable little lion slippers for Jonah.

Yea! Baby Phillies gear!

This baby blanket I am holding up was my actual baby blanket that my Grandma Crockett made for me - mom sent it back for me to have again.

Everyone decorated onesies for Jonah which all turned out super cute! He got to wear all of them several times before he grew out of them.

Baby bump growing! Jonah just a couple months away from arriving!

Sitting tall!

Look how well I can sit up all by myself!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jonah - 7 months old

The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta has a gift shop, and a friend of mine there mailed Jonah this onesie. Awwww...his first nerdy tee-shirt. So we thought we'd use it for this 7-month post to have our little CDC poster boy remind everyone to stay healthy and happy this winter and get a flu shot. It's been another big month for Jonah. He bangs toys around, raises up to his forearms when on his tummy, rolls from back to tummy, and sits up by himself. He also went to see his first movie ("Dazed and Confused" played at the outdoor film series at New Belgium Brewing Company) and caught his first cold. He has the capability to sleep through the night but usually chooses not to. Jonah weighs approximately 17 1/2 pounds (45th percentile) and is 28" tall (90th percentile)! Yesterday when I picked him up from daycare they had written on his daily activities sheet that he "painted a leaf". So today I checked it out and sure enough there is a sponge-painted fall leaf on the wall bulletin board with Jonah's name on it - his first art project. We're very proud.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hiking Horsetooth

Our buddy Mark Pipes and his fiancee Karen are in town for the weekend. We took a hike today up to Horsetooth Rock. It was a little cold, so we had to make sure Jonah was nice and bundled up! In his snowsuit, Jonah looked like the little brother Randy in the movie "The Christmas Story".