The little peanut is 11 months old! Latest milestones: scooches backwards and forwards on his belly and rocks back and forth on his hands and knees (aaaallllmost crawling...), walks with assistance, said first word ("kitty", or actually a high-pitched "ki-ki-ki-ki" while chasing the cats), and responds to his name. Jonah has had two music lessons (see a couple posts ago for a run-down of that...) and has started eating table food. In particular he likes grilled cheese sandwiches, cheese slices, cheesy goldfish crackers, and cheese-flavored rice cakes. Hmmm...I sense a pattern. We also learned that avocados and yogurt make him throw up, so we won't do that again for a little while. Jonah also loves clapping his hands, and claps on his own whenever we say "yea!!"
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