The little man has turned 10 months old! He's 29 1/4" long and approximately 19 pounds, has two bottom teeth, and continues to have an exceptionally large noggin for his age. Full of brains, of course! Jonah has natural rock star hair that grows straight up in the back....we think it's very cute but the first haircut may be in the not-too-distant future. He is flipping over in all directions to reach toys he wants, but would rather roll his way over to them than crawl. He loves to practice walking, and has pulled himself up once so far, prompting us to drop the crib mattress down and start babyproofing the house. He claps his hands regularly and has started waving to people and giving high-fives. The big blue eyes are charming everyone, so we know we will have our hands full come high-school.
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