Jonah knows the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man. Jonah knows the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane.
Charlie knows the muffin man...
Avery knows the muffin man...
Olivia knows the muffin man...
Everyone knows the muffin man...class ended 7 hours ago and I wonder why I still have this in my head!! :-)
Anyway, Jonah's first music class went very well. The teacher led the class on an autoharp and we bounced along to She'll be comin' round the mountain, we beat on drums, walked in a big circle, danced, tapped our shoulders and rubbed our bellies and waved and found our eyes, noses and ears all to music. Everyone got "instruments" too. Jonah has a saxaphone. I'm kidding. We beat drumsticks together and shook these easteregg-looking shakers. Jonah seemed to enjoy the class very much and we think he is already smarter.