Jonah is getting awfully squirmy. Although he hasn't started crawling yet (that would require taking his two favorite fingers out of his mouth), the motivation is certainly there. He sees things he wants to get (including the cats) and is starting to motivate to go get it! This past month his first two teeth also broke through. He enjoys hearing the click-click-click of his new teeth on plastic toys, and using them to chew on teething biscuits and apple slices. November was also filled with travel, with another trip back East to Delaware, and to Indiana for Thanksgiving Jonah's great-grandparents. So Jonah has now been in 9 states (CO, NH, ME, MA, DE, MD, VA, IN, IL) and Washington DC. And FINALLY - Jonah is sleeping through the night. Whoohoo! :-)
What an adorable pic. He is getting so big!