Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jonah - 6 months old

It's been another month of milestones for Jonah. First solid foods, First professional baseball game (Rockies vs. Mets), First airplane trip (New Hampshire), First family vacation (Steamboat Springs camping trip), First movie (Dazed and Confused, replayed at the Thursday night outdoor film series at New Belgium Brewing Company) and First week at daycare. He's continuing to grow but we won't have stats for you until after the doctor's visit this coming week. This month we also enjoyed more visits from Grandma Crockett and Papa John, Poppy, and Grammy.
The Thinker. After much deliberation, Jonah settles on these first two fingers of his right had as the most tasty of his 10 options. He's also been busy pondering the intracacies of Obama's health care bill, whether or not Brett Farvre looks good in purple, and if he prefers babyfood carrots over sweet potatoes...but then there's that banana/raspberry/peaches blend that's so good too...

Uh-oh is that the Tickle Monster coming to get me?

More happy boy in monkey outfit.
Jonah slept through his first visit to the Atlantic Ocean on our trip to New Hampshire to see Jillana.

Jonah's first day as a Little Bear, 9/8/09. He's a rock star in the infant room - cute, energetic, talkative, and relatively low maintenance. (Relative to the colicky babies in his class, we presume). We've gotten glowing reports over how well Jonah is doing, including a full run-down each day on what his daily activities were, how much and when he ate, when he napped and for how long, when his diaper was changed and what it contained. He greets his teacher with a smile each morning I drop him off. Thankfully he also greets Pat and I with smiles when we pick him up in the afternoon too! If he gets fussy, they just motion to him to suck his two fingers :-).

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