We can't believe it's been two months already! Jonah continues to grow like a weed...a very cute weed with 3 chins and knee dimples! At his doctor's appointment yesterday he tipped the scales at 11 lbs 11 oz and measured 23 3/4 inches tall -- 5 pounds heavier and almost 4 inches taller than when we took him home from the hospital! That puts him on the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. Tall and lean. He's smiling a lot, holding his head well, responding to voices and sounds, developing some pretty strong leg muscles, and has a surprisingly long attention span when playing with the animals on his bouncy seat (see video below) or watching the mobile hanging over his crib. He's sleeping between 2 and 3 1/2 hours a stretch at night so we have a little ways to go there, but it's getting better. This past month we have enjoyed a steady stream of help from family members out visiting. With May comes a month of transition for Pat and I to handle Jonah at home on our own again, transfer him to sleeping from a bassinet in our room to the crib in his nursery, and prepare for returning to work. It's going to be hard to leave Planet Jonah and go back to my other life next month!
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