Well, here we are. Already one month, and a couple hundred sleep-deprived hours later! Jonah is doing very well -- he reached the 9 pound mark earlier this week and has started "playing" with his toys, (if you count focusing on them for extended periods and following them with his eyes) although I think the ceiling fan still may win out as the favorite attraction. Both grandmas have been out to sing songs and read books to him so he's already well versed in Eric Carle, and knows how to brush his teeth and zip up his coat, if you've been following our video postings. He refuses to wear socks unless we tie them around his ankles, is quite talkative (i.e. future report cards will likely read "Jonah is a good student but talks too much...") and can fart with the best of of them. The cats are still becoming used to the Big Scary Baby in the house. They will stealthly creep up and sniff a sleeping Jonah, then scatter hair-on-end when the Big Scary Baby coos or twitches. Just wait until he starts crawling! Pat and I are hanging in there. I have embraced the fact that it is OK for me to be in my bathrobe until 5pm...well, to be honest if I put actual clothes on during thet day that is quite an accomplishment! Pat is becoming quite the chef, and more than compensates picking up household tasks for the former-wife-turned-zombie milk machine that now permanently occupies the glider rocker in the nursery. We're both looking forward to some more restful nights during this 2nd month, however we're not holding our breaths...
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