Happy First Halloween, Jonah! We had a wonderful day poking around Anderson Farms in Erie with our friends Jake, Jill, and Camden Davis. We saw the farm animals up close, visited the pumpkin patch, took a wagon ride, and strolled through the corn maze. Jonah and Camden tolerated and indulged Jill and I in all the adorable photo opportunities, but you can see below they lost their patience once we started propping them up on large pumpkins. Later, we got all dressed up as Sylvester and Tweety and went trick-or-treating to friends' houses in Windsor and Fort Collins. Jonah made such a cute Tweety. I twawt I twaw a puddy tat! I DID, I DID!

"Oh, wouldn't it be so cuuutteee if the boys could sit together on these large pumpkins?!"

All the neighborhood kids (and Rebekah) dressed up to go trick-or-treating. We had a couple good witches, a dinasaur, a monkey, Troy Polamalu, Sylvester and Tweety, a mailman, a hockey player, an ultimate fighting champion, a chicken, a cowgirl, and a storm trooper. After this photo, the herd took off together down the street going house to house.
Happy Tweety! :-)