Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Crockett's visit

We just enjoyed having Grandma and Grandpa Crockett out to visit for a couple weeks. Jonah especially loved having a couple extra playmates around...


Grandpa Tickle Monster

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jonah - 5 months old

It's amazing how much happens month-to-month, with month #5 being no exception. Jonah's latest milestones include sitting supported, looking at books, making the "L" sound, and making motorboat sounds with his lips. We started teaching him sign language, beginning with signs essential for baby survival such as "milk", "dirty diaper", "bathtime", and "giraffe". So far it's going swimmingly. We sign like crazy and Jonah stares confusedly back at us. But we think he is starting to understand. Speaking of swimming though, Jonah had a couple swim lessons this month (see post below from last week). When his Poppy was out to visit and he and Pat took Jonah to the pool to dunk him. It wasn't quite like the cover of that Nirvana album, but Jonah has been underwater probably 5 times now and took it much better than his dad did. And his dad took it much better than his mom, who didn't even want to be there to see it (but cheered him on from 15 miles away). But now everybody loves pool time! We're currently enjoying second visits from all the grandparents who are having a blast seeing how much the little guy has grown. Laughing at Grandma singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Knees and Toes..." complete with animated motions. It was so funny, grandma got quite the work out doing it over and over and over...

Tummy time! We're finally having tummy time that doesn't involve screaming. Jonah is rolling over and holding his head up 90 degrees. Whoo-hoo!

We're here to Pump. You. Up.
Ladies, who wants a ticket to the gun show?

Jonah's reaction to finding out that the Phillies traded for Cliff Lee.

Feet are so fun to play with! And tasty too.

At the Alpine Visitor Center on Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park. Jonah's first trip above tree line.