Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jonah's First Christmas

A white Christmas in Delaware!
Jonah in his reindeer pajamas opening a new bath toy from Aunt Jen. (Note the drool spot - think we're teething again!)

Yea! I love opening presents! :-)

Poppy got me this awesome Philadelphia Eagles track suit to wear this spring!
Okay Jonah! Look at the camera! Jonah! Jonah! Over there! See the camera Jonah!? Awww...crap. It just took the picture. Let's try this again...

Opening presents at Grandma and Grandpa Crockett's house.

With my two grandpas.

All the Kent men (in Santa hats).

Awww.... how cute. :-) Jonah prepares to open his stocking.

I'm surrounded by presents! (Jonah has figured out that he is supposed to smile big for the camera.)

Baby Santa is all tuckered out after a big morning opening presents.

Jonah's first piano lesson.

Jonah and daddy at Rehoboth Beach.

Jonah touching the ocean for the first time. Cold!

Pucker up. After the doctor said it was okay to give Jonah table foods, we were suprised to discover that he likes lemons.

"The cow goes 'moooo', Jonah!" (again, Jonah knows to smile big when the camera comes out.)

Christmas videos: Jonah loved the train at Grandma and Grandpa Crockett's house. He would sit in the center of the track and scoot in a circle to watch the train go all the way around. He would also get excited when the train went by and stomp his feet and wave his arms.

Dancing with Uncle Mike.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jonah opens his first Christmas presents

Last night we opened some Christmas presents here at the house before we leave to fly to Delaware to spend Christmas with our parents. He got a puzzle, some pajamas, and "The Cajun Night Before Christmas". Jonah had lots of fun, particularly with the wrapping paper. :-)

A couple nights ago Jonah enjoyed playing with his friend Charlie, son of Pam and Thomas Wilding.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jonah - 9 months old!

Jonah is getting awfully squirmy. Although he hasn't started crawling yet (that would require taking his two favorite fingers out of his mouth), the motivation is certainly there. He sees things he wants to get (including the cats) and is starting to motivate to go get it! This past month his first two teeth also broke through. He enjoys hearing the click-click-click of his new teeth on plastic toys, and using them to chew on teething biscuits and apple slices. November was also filled with travel, with another trip back East to Delaware, and to Indiana for Thanksgiving Jonah's great-grandparents. So Jonah has now been in 9 states (CO, NH, ME, MA, DE, MD, VA, IN, IL) and Washington DC. And FINALLY - Jonah is sleeping through the night. Whoohoo! :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jonah's First Thanksgiving

Happy Belated Turkey Day! It's been a month since our last posting because we've been traveling a lot. Most recently, we spent Thanksgiving in Valparaiso, Indiana with Rebekah's family. It had been several years since we last visited so it was great to be back and see everyone for a few days and give Jonah and his great-grandparents the very special opportunity to get acquainted.The fam, Thanksgiving day.

Jonah with his second cousins on the Crockett side. JR Hurd holding William Letham (left) and Brady Hurd holding Julia Letham. JR and Brady are sons of Rebekah's cousin Anne and 4 month-old twins William and Julia are children of Rebekah's cousin Leslie.
Crockett Cousins and second cousins: Uncle Mike; Brady, JR and Anne Hurd; Rebekah and Jonah; Leslie Leatham holding Julia, and Candace McGuffey with Will Leatham.
Jonah gets to know great-grandma Phyllis Crockett.
4 generations of Crocketts - Uncle Mike and Grandpa Crockett, Rebekah, Jonah, and great-grandma Phyllis Crockett.
4 Genenerations of Bretschers - Jonah held by his great grandpa Paul Bretscher and great grandma Connie (and great dog Micah).
with great-grandpa,

and great grandma Connie and Micah.

After all the family visits, we stopped in to see the Pipes family in Lafayette. We went hiking Mark and his dog Riley. Just for such occasions, Mark and his parents got Jonah this cool hiking backpack!

Ahh..I can still suck on my favorite two fingers back here in this thing!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

First Halloween

Happy First Halloween, Jonah! We had a wonderful day poking around Anderson Farms in Erie with our friends Jake, Jill, and Camden Davis. We saw the farm animals up close, visited the pumpkin patch, took a wagon ride, and strolled through the corn maze. Jonah and Camden tolerated and indulged Jill and I in all the adorable photo opportunities, but you can see below they lost their patience once we started propping them up on large pumpkins. Later, we got all dressed up as Sylvester and Tweety and went trick-or-treating to friends' houses in Windsor and Fort Collins. Jonah made such a cute Tweety. I twawt I twaw a puddy tat! I DID, I DID!

"Oh, wouldn't it be so cuuutteee if the boys could sit together on these large pumpkins?!"

All the neighborhood kids (and Rebekah) dressed up to go trick-or-treating. We had a couple good witches, a dinasaur, a monkey, Troy Polamalu, Sylvester and Tweety, a mailman, a hockey player, an ultimate fighting champion, a chicken, a cowgirl, and a storm trooper. After this photo, the herd took off together down the street going house to house.

Happy Tweety! :-)